Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Sony Vaio overheat

. Kamis, 01 Juli 2010
4 Command

Jakarta - Sony Indonesia berupaya meluruskan kabar yang menyebutkan bahwa raksasa elektronik tersebut akan menarik 535.000 unit notebook Vaio di seluruh dunia lantaran overheat. Sony mengaku tidak melakukan penarikan, hanya antisipasi dan belum ada laporan kasus overheat di Indonesia.

"Di Indonesia sendiri sejauh ini belum ada (laporan overheat). Adapun laporan kasus overheat itu di beberapa negara di luar Indonesia," kata Manager Marketing Communication Department Sony Vaio Indonesia, Rini F. Hasbi, saat dihubungi detikINET, Kamis (1/7/2010).

Alhasil, status Sony Vaio di Tanah Air masih aman. "Kami berupaya menghindari masalah. Mendengar laporan konsumen, Sony langsung meresponsnya dengan memberikan opsi pada pengguna yang mengalami kasus tersebut," terang Rini.  

Kantor pusat Sony melalui situs resminya mengumumkan bahwa pengguna Vaio di seluruh dunia yang mengalami gejala overheat bisa menyerahkan notebooknya kepada service center Sony untuk diperbaiki. Sementara pilihan kedua, konsumen dipersilakan mengunduh update software dari situs Sony untuk mengatasi overheat pada notebook mereka.

Berdasarkan penuturan Rini, masalah overheat yang dilaporkan beberapa pengguna tidak sampai membuat Sony melakukan penarikan. "Tidak sampai melakukan penarikan, karena kami juga tidak mendengar laporan kasus overheat yang sampai menyebabkan notebooknya terbakar atau membahayakan," tandasnya. ( rns / ash )

sumber : detik.com


Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Cara Menampilkan Iklan Google di Blog Berbahasa indonesia dengan aman atau tanpa resiko

. Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
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Kita sering menemukan cara-cara menampilkan iklan google di blog yang contentnya berbahasa Indonesia, namaun terkadang sangat beresiko untuk acount google adsense kita. bisa-bisa account google kita di bloker atau istilah kerennya di baned oleh google. nah berikut saya poskan cara menampilkan google adsense di blog yang berbahasa indonesia. yang InsyaAllah cara ini tidak belanggar TOS dari google adsense karna tidak merubah script google adsense. nah langsung saja yach..
1. Dengan cara yang sedikit ” nakal “ dengan cara mengganti script adsense itu sendiri. Tapi ini jelas melanggar TOS dari Google Adsense , karena di TOS Adsense di sebutkan tidak boleh memodifikasi script Adsense. Dan sampean pasti tahu apa resikonya kalau melanggar TOS , kemungkinan besar akun adsense anda di banned oleh google. Terus cara yang lain yang gak melanggar TOS gimana ? Nah berikut cara lain agar tidak melanggar TOS Adsense:
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Berikut Cara Menampilkan Iklan Adsense di Blog berbahasa Indonesia :
1. Login Ke Adsense anda
2. Klik Adsense Setup


Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Is the security software built into Windows 7 good enough or not?

. Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010
0 Command

Happy Friday! Indeed it's a great Friday--no rain forecast for the weekend, the sky is blue, and the sun is smiling. I can't ask for a better spring day, and I hope the same goes for you. Now moving on to this week's topic, member Ron G., has asked us for help understanding the differences between viruses and spyware/adware. Many members have defined it for him, but Ron's bigger question was if the security software built into Windows 7 is actually good enough to protect him from the nasty elements of cyberspace.

Well, Ron, many of your fellow members chimed in and offered many great recommendations and opinions. However, the question from many folks was why would Microsoft tell you that there is no need to have any other security protection because their built-in security system in Windows 7 surpasses everything else, when in actuality Windows 7 only comes with MS Defender (their antispyware protection) and firewall, but no antivirus of any sort? Without an antivirus program,


Rabu, 21 April 2010

MySQL New Product Releases

. Rabu, 21 April 2010
0 Command

- Article: Introduction to MySQL 5.5 (Performance and Scalability Improvements)
- White Paper: MySQL Connector for Java
- White Paper: MySQL Cluster Manager
- MySQL ISV/OEM Customer Survey: Tell Us What You Want!
- Case Study: MySQL Enterprise powers SaaS ERP for Italian local and central authorities
- Live Webinar: MySQL Performance Tuning Best Practices (Thursday, April 22)
- Live Webinar: Introducing MySQL Cluster 7.1 (Thursday, April 29)

New Product Releases

- New Release of MySQL Server 5.5.3-m3 (Beta)
- New Release of MySQL Server 5.5.4-m3 (Beta)
- New Release of MySQL Server 5.1.45 (GA)
- New Release of MySQL Cluster 7.1 (GA)
- New Release of MySQL Workbench 5.2.18 (Beta)

Hints & Tips

- Documentation: InnoDB 1.1 for MySQL 5.5 User's Guide
- White Paper: Securing MySQL Embedded Server on Windows
- PlanetMySQL Blog Posts
  - PlanetMySQL Blog: Replication Features in MySQL 5.5.3
  - PlanetMySQL Blog: InnoDB recovery is now faster... much faster!
  - PlanetMySQL Blog: Scalability enhancements of MySQL 5.5.4-m3
  - PlanetMySQL Blog: MySQL 5.5.4-m3 scales to 32 cores
  - PlanetMySQL Blog: MySQL Performance: 5.5.4 @dbSTRESS
  - PlanetMySQL Blog: InnoDB Performance Schema


Web design/ HTML/CSS

0 Command

From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
If you are considering becoming a professional Web designer, it can help you make up your mind if you know what the job entails. So I've created a new section on my site asking for your stories about what it's like to work as a Web designer. I'm looking for all different types of designers - if you work at a company or you work for yourself - if you've just started or you've been doing it for years, I'd love to hear your story. And I know a lot of new designers would love to know what it's like as well. Plus, this week I cover some of the new features of CSS3 and how to go about reporting an error (on this site or any other) so that it gets fixed quickly. And this week's poll is about PDFs. Follow me on Twitter or Become a Fan on Faceboo


Jumat, 16 April 2010

Why won't my printers work with my new 64-bit Vista machine?

. Jumat, 16 April 2010
0 Command

Happy Friday! It's back to business after a week of quality time with the family. This year for the kids' spring break, we drove up to the mountains for some fun in the snow. It's been a while since I've seen so much fresh powder in this area, especially around this time of year, and we had a blast with endless snowball fights, snow angels galore, snow tubing, and of course snowmen! OK, enough talk of snow; let's plow forward to help Paul with getting his older printers working on his new Vista 64-bit machine.

Well, Paul, I have good news for you. Despite what your buddy told you, you didn't screw up by buying this Vista machine. And it's very likely that you will be getting your older printers up and running soon with all the support that you have received from your fellow members. From reading through all the answers, both printers will work on your system; you'll just have to download new drivers for both printers from the manufactures' sites.

When Vista was first released, especially the 64-bit version, a lot of drivers were not available for older hardware, but since Vista has been release for quite some time now, many manufactures have caught up and have updated their driver catalog with the latest ones so that folks like you will be able to use your old peripherals with newer operating systems. I have selected a few answers from our members to get you started, but please read through all the responses . Good luck and thank you to all who took the time out to help Paul out. Have a nice weekend!

source :
CNET TechSpecials


Kamis, 08 April 2010

Uninstall atau UnDeepfreeze 6

. Kamis, 08 April 2010
0 Command

saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan artikel ini, saya
bermaksud untuk berbagi aja karena saya lihat banyak yang
mengalami masalah seperti ini dan bingung cara menghadapinya,
akhirnya mereka install ulang deh kompinya… (:
langkah2-nya adalah sebagai berikut:



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